Events 2017-11 Out Of Province


100 miles - Senior

member #memberequine #equineplacingtimeweightmilespointsvet scorebcbc scorebc pointspull / reasoncomments
1624 Jane Depner 4245 Canadian Diva 100 07/15/2017 Wyoming, USA - Big Horn 100 (100 mi)
1600 Jaye Yavis 4523 Khemos Khanadian (Khoda) 100 08/05/2017 Ca, USA, Tevis Cup (100)

55 miles - Senior

member #memberequine #equineplacingtimeweightmilespointsvet scorebcbc scorebc pointspull / reasoncomments
1870 Meghan Payne 4491 W Five Raffiki 55 05/21/2017 BC, Ca, Titanium Run

50 miles - Senior

member #memberequine #equineplacingtimeweightmilespointsvet scorebcbc scorebc pointspull / reasoncomments
1580 Nancy Haughian 4551 Royale Ace 50 08/05/2017 B.C. Ca, Titanium Run - 3 Day (50 mi)
1464 Kathy McCartney 4525 Utes Silk ABS Smoke 50 05/20/2017 BC, Ca Titanium Run (50 mi)
1870 Meghan Payne 4528 Fifty Shades of Grey 50 05/20/2017 BC, Ca, Titanium Run
1399 Robyn Wadey 50 04/02/2016 Washington, USA , Coyote Ridge Run (50)

75 miles - Senior

member #memberequine #equineplacingtimeweightmilespointsvet scorebcbc scorebc pointspull / reasoncomments
1354 Jaylene Janzen 4521 JV Brooklyn Bey (Bronx) 75 05/20/2017 B.C. Ca. Titanium Run 1 - 75 mi. FEI
1017 Christy Janzen 3476 Sakic 75 05/20/2017 B.C. Ca. Titanium Run 1 - 75 mi. FEI

30 miles - Senior

member #memberequine #equineplacingtimeweightmilespointsvet scorebcbc scorebc pointspull / reasoncomments
1412 Maggie Huette 4451 Calypso Spring (Calypso) 30 09/02/17 Az/USA Grand Canyon XP

Multi Day Ride - Senior

member #memberequine #equineplacingtimeweightmilespointsvet scorebcbc scorebc pointspull / reasoncomments
1053 Carol Wadey 4573 Ginger's Beauty 155 07/28,29,30/2017 Idaho, USA, Top Of the World

100 mile FEI

member #memberequine #equineplacingtimeweightmilespointsvet scorebcbc scorebc pointspull / reasoncomments
4289 Nightwind's Indigo Bey (Indi) 100 07/07/2017 Man, Ca, Spruce Woods FEI

Senior Total Compiled Miles

member #memberequine #equineplacingtimeweightmilespointsvet scorebcbc scorebc pointspull / reasoncomments
1199 Mary Anne Dorchester 4272 JR's Last Chance (Chance) 80 08/30/2017 AZ, USA, Grand Canyon XP (50 mi) 09/02/2017 (30mi)
1200 Robin Dorchester 4301 Koko Klassique (Koko) 80 08/30/2017, AZ, USA, Grand Canyon XP (50 mi) 09/02/2017 (30 mi)
1002 Karen Badger 4547 NightWind's Wakeup Call (Samson) 350 09/19/2015 05/21/2016,06/30/2016,08/25/2016 (4x50 mi)05/20/2017,08/5/2017(2x 75 Mi) BC. Ca, Titanium Run
1556 Jan Marsh 2020 European Miles bought back Oct 2017 from 1995 - 2002
1556 Jan Marsh 349 Miles Bought back Oct 2017 - 2015 -2017
1399 Robyn Wadey 3437 DSF Saskatchewan (Chewie) 105 10/07,08/2016 Idaho, USA Owyhee Canyonlands Pioneer (55, 50)

Senior Horse Total Compiled Miles

member #memberequine #equineplacingtimeweightmilespointsvet scorebcbc scorebc pointspull / reasoncomments
4628 OM El Excelencio 249 Miles bought back - Oct 2017 - 2015 - 2017
4630 Ginny B 80 02/10/2017 CA, USA, Eastern Mohave (25) 02/25/2017 CA,USA, Land of Sun (30) 03/19/2017 AZ,USA Old Pueblo (25)
4629 OM El Saleem 324 Miles bought back Oct 2017 - 2015 -2017