Manuals and Handbooks
Whether you are new to endurance riding or a seasoned pro there are always times when you may need to look up a rule, policy, or fee. Check out the current ERA Rules and Regulations below.
Looking to put on a ride or enter your first ride, we have manuals for that too! Many of the reference manuals below have been developed by the ERA Board of Directors and/or volunteers through the years to help at different stages of a ride and we attempt to keep them updated the best we can. Should you find any errors or omissions please reach out to the ERA Secretary so that we can have them updated/corrected accordingly.

Need to know the rules? Click on any of the items below to view.

Need to know how to plan a ride, what to do as a rider or a vet? Click on any of the items below to view.
ERA Veterinary Control Judge Handbook and Guidelines